Kyaw Koh Wah School – Myanmar

Kyaw Ko Wah School

Kyaw Ko Wah School is located in Karen State, Myanmar.  With its 400 students and 13 teachers it is a very busy spot!  The old school was extremely overcrowded and on the point of collapse.  This school is not the norm for Karen State due to the fact that the teachers are both Burmese, from the Myanmar Department of Education and Karen from the Karen Education department.

Our board approved the construction of a building, which will house 8 brand new classrooms!

The grand opening took place February 4, 2020.


Opening Ceremony began at 9:00 am, with the children standing along the road where we entered.  (They have 400 students & 13 teachers.). We were presented with lovely Karen shirts, so we quickly changed out of the ones we brought.

The marching band was colorfully  dressed and standing at attention on the soccer field.  Following their band number, we stood at attention while the Karen anthem was played.

The head of KED was present as well as some one from the Burmese Education office.  I really respected the female principal, as she tried a short paragraph in Burmese and I think he appreciated it a lot.  A student said a few words in English.

This building is fabulous and they chose a bright green for the classrooms – – – it was well done all around.

The ceremony was short followed by a light lunch and returned to the hospital to gather our things.


Kyaw Ko Wah School - Myanmar