Students Helping Students Work Tour 2010

To Architectural Technology students and to the students at New Light Learning Center age, religion, culture or the language barrier doesn’t stop us from learning.  Doesn’t stop us from Hearing their stories, their needs and teaches us on how we can make a difference.

It made us all proud to drive by the old school that was in a store front of a building, to the new school that you had a part of.  Songs and laughter from Children of New Light Learning Center filled each classroom. The simple gesture of a wave or a smile to us as we looked in each classroom, was a huge difference from last year in their conditions of the old school.  The happiness, the energy and excitement of each student was vibrant.

The children’s faces were no longer dull as we handed out clothes, food, blankets and school supplies.  Excitement filled the air as Stephanie explain to them how children from her old elementary school in Canada made a craft for them and In return we would spend the afternoon drawing pictures to send back to them.  Such a simple activity is a great way to get younger students involved, make them feel like that have a part in making a difference and allows them to have a form of interaction with students around the world.

We are giving the chance for each student their to be a child, to be educated, to grow and to achieve their dreams.  In return, we grow as individuals, we learn, we recognize and appreciate the difference we are making and how thankful we should but to live where we do.

Visiting New Light Learning Center was a reminder to myself and to the students on this trip, that no matter who you are as a person, you are one individual who can make change.  Change is something we started with construction of New Light.  the exchange of smiles from each student is only thing that needs to be said, to make me certain of this.

Bradley K. Swayze

As a child, I never really gave thought as to why someone would want to be a teacher, today I realized how much satisfaction one can get by doing so.
Our four person group had spent weeks in preparation to spend one day teaching the grade 11’s and grade 12’s from Hsa Thoo Lei.  We were to instruct on how to draft a floor plan of a house by using the program AutoCAD.  We were told that the students had experience and could accomplish this task easily.  All of our preparation went out the window when we were informed that most students hadn’t used the program before.

Rather than being discouraged, this was an opportunity to bring out all of the potential of these kids.  They were fast learners and although there was a language barrier, there was no problem in completing their task.  It was heartwarming to see the teamwork and cooperation between the students as well as to further satisfy their interest in learning something new.
It was rewarding to be a part of such an experience, but the best part was when a student raised his hand, looked at me and called out teacher.

Josh Dewey

Today was a great day and one that everyone should experience.  We started out by going to the Global Neighbors farm and touring their land.  Then we sorted simple things that we take for granted every day into piles to give away at a school in the afternoon.  Little things like soap, shampoo, conditioner, towels, utensils, and others were packed into bags for distribution. It’s amazing how they seem like every day normal things for us, but is longed for here.  After we finished packing, we went for lunch.  After lunch we went back to the farm and I was able to help the farmers harvest their rice while others in my group were sorting clothes for later distribution.  After we finished at the farm, we drove out to Ah Yone Oo School.  I was fortunate enough to be able to give the students their bags and direct them to my colleagues for them to receive blankets.  We had about 95 bags of supplies in total.  It was such an amazing feeling and you could tell how grateful some of the parents were.  When we gave the students their bags, they were so thankful and excited to see what was inside.  It’s a completely indescribable feeling that I had knowing that the littlest things were helping these people so much.  Even though there is a language barrier, I felt like we understood each other.  A few knew English which was very nice and some even thanked us in English which was a shock to me at first.  It is a very pleasing moment that the kids are able to communicate with us.  Their teacher is doing very well with teaching them English.  Overall, the feeling I got at that school was just that my heart went out to them. It was very rewarding giving the kids and families their bag of supplies and I think everyone should be able to experience this type of situation at least once.

Katrina NagleSIAST 2010